Saturday, February 15, 2014


I want to introduce myself. I'm a stay-at-home mom. I know, I know...some people think it is an outdated profession or that by staying home I am somehow depriving myself of a "real" job. Let me make myself clear...I truly believe that I am making a difference every day. I home-school, I breastfeed, I work. I don't intend to bash other moms who don't do things the same way I do. Everyone is best suited to different work. Instead I hope to give and gain a little insight. I refuse to fight with anyone, so if you intend to comment negatively to myself or anyone else, I highly suggest leaving the blog. You don't have to read it.
Meet my kids. Grace is my oldest. She is six. She loves books, Doc McStuffins, and cucumbers. Her favorite Disney Princess is Belle. Her greatest ambition is to read all of her books. Anne is four. She arrived on Easter. She loves story time, anything art related, and tomatoes. Her favorite Disney Princess is Tiana. Her ambitions are to learn to read and get out of nap time. James is two. He gets into everything. He loves toys (whether or not they belong to him), eating, and pizza. He can't live without his Thomas the Train. His greatest ambition is to not get caught stealing food. Last, but not least, My youngest is Bobby. He is six-months old. He sleeps, eats, and poops. He wants to put it all in his mouth and can't go ten minutes without Mommy.
Just a few more things you ought to know:
I am a Christian. I won't fight with anyone on this point, and I welcome everyone. I don't think we have to believe the exact same thing to get along. I only felt it was necessary to mention so that everyone will understand that this will be a clean blog (meaning you won't find me cursing). I don't think that some curse words are bad, but others may be offended. I want everyone to feel comfortable.
I am sometimes funny, whether or not it's on purpose. I do hope my readers can have some fun reading my posts.
I welcome honesty as long as everyone knows that we are just here for a good time. No "I'm just being honest," as an excuse for being mean to someone else. I will poke fun of myself and encourage others to do the same.
I have changed the names of myself and my children. I won't hold it against you if you do the same. For everyone's safety I will assume you all have done the same.
I am in fact from the south. That is all I will give as far as where I am from. I only gave that much because I probably will say "ya'll" and talk about things that may indicate a general location. It also means I will occasionally share recipes. I do fall into the stereo-type of liking to feed the hungry masses.
I want to give the real stories (and sometimes rants), whether they are funny or sad. I want to share the real view of life that I have gained from my decision to stay home. I want to ponder all moments, big or small...happy or sad. I will even give a voice to those moments we all dread can happen to us. Thank you for joining me on this journey through (and perhaps around) my trepidations.

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